· Each Additional 1–5 minutes (or portion thereof)
over 5 min, add: $15.00
• Audio (Inside Video Segment): $0.25/clip
• Music/Sound Selection
· Logo Clips (30s or less):
- Client / We Provide track: $1.00/1.75
· Sound tracks (Over 30s)
- Client/We Provide: $2.00/$3.25
DVD Menuing is included if video slideshow requires multiple chapters
Chapter. Each show within a slideshow with 2 or more shows.
Photo versus Image. Non-photographic items (i.e., image, cartoon, etc) are treated as photographs
Photo/Image Touch-up: Simple touchups (e.g., read-eye removal) are included. More extensive touch-up (e.g., Removing a scratch or dust effects) may cost extra
• Other Video Format: $15.00
• Title Page: $0.50/per
• Photo/Image: $0.75 ea
• Slideshow Video DVD: $7.50/per Copy
· Archive Copy: $25
• Photo CD/DVD: $5.00/per Copy
· Archive Copy: $15
• DVD Authoring: $25.00
(Shows of primarily video segments are often highly labor intensive.)
• Voice-Over Clip: $5.00 each
PHOTO PROCESSING / RESTORATION work with NO SLIDESHOW: $0.75/Image Minor Restorations. Note that major restoration efforts may required a significant time investment. Contact us for more information.
Other Video Formats. We can do other formats too (such as for IPods, various PDAs, and Phones).
DVD Menuing is included if video slideshow requires multiple chapters
Chapter. Each show within a slideshow that has 2 or more shows.
• Animated Background:
· Less than 30 seconds
- Client Provided: $1.75
- We Provide: $2.50
· 30 to 90 seconds
- Client Provided: $3.00
- We Provide: $5.00
· +90 sec: Video Clip Cost
• IMAGE SCANNING (per image)
up to 25 Images: $1.00
26 to 50 Images: $0.90
51 to 100 Images: $0.80
101 to 200 Images: $0.70
over 200 Images: $0.60
Animated Backgrounds are images/graphics that are animated in some fashion. A video clip used as a backdrop to a foreground image or another video clip is not considered an animated background.
If you scan the images yourself, for 4"x5" images and larger, scan at same image size and at 300 DPI (dots per inch). Small images (for example, 2"x3"), scan these at same size as the image but at 1800 DPI or better. Scanning at these sizes and the given DPI provides sufficient pixel density to keep pixellation when displayed in a show to a minimum.
• SETUP FEE: $25.00 (included)
• MILITARY: Setup Fee waived
All items we provide (audio/music/video) are royalty free.
All Slideshow Packages Include:
Custom DVD Menu
Phone / E-Mail Consultation
Custom Full Color Label
Limited Image Editing/Corrections
DVD Case
NOTE: Prices assume electronic images are provided for show content