Fenimore’s PhotoVideo Productions

Copyright © 2012, Fenimore’s PhotoVideo Productions, LLC

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ProShow Producer Transitions

3-D | Angle Irons | Box Pane | Checkered Swing | Chevron | Corners | Corner Swing | Cube Turns | Diagonals | Fades Corner | Flip Sides | Frame Rotate | Half-Flip | Hearts |  Miscellaneous 1 | Miscellaneous 2 | Miscellaneous 3 | Pages | PrismTiles | PrismTile Flips | RingFold | RollUpDown | Rotates | Scissors | Segment Folds | Shrink In/Out | Slat Swing Cascade | Slides | Stack-OnOff Fades | Strips 1 | Strips 2 | Swing Bars | Swinging Parts | SwingSwing | Tiles Flip | Tiles FlipHalves | Tiles Flip to 1 | Tiles Strips Flip | Tiles Strip Swings | Tiles Swap | UnCurl Fades | Unfold 1 | Unfold 2 | Unfold 3 | Unfold Flat | Whirly

Use with Version 4.5 and later unless otherwise indicated



Unfold 1 Bundle For Producer v4.5+

8 Different Effects

  $15.30 USD

PayPal: Add PSP_TB_Unfold1 to cart

4 Fold and Flip – $2.25

The next slide unfolds in segments from the top center toward both sides. The full width segment then unfolds twice toward the screen bottom.

Center Fold Out – $2.25

The next slide unfolds in 2 segments from the top and bottom to create a strip located in the horizontal screen center. This then unfolds toward each side until the full slide is revealed.

Center Unfold – $2.25

The next slide unfolds from the vertical center toward each side.

Competing Folds – $2.25

The next slide unfolds from the top right and lower left at the same time. The segments unfold across the screen until the full slide is revealed.

Open Ends – $2.25

The next slide unfolds to the left and right from the screen center. Then, the ends unfold up the side and then toward the center to complete the slide.

Sides Fold In – $2.25

The next slide is unfolded from each side toward the center

Trey Three Squares – $2.25

The next slide is unfolded in a 3 by 3 set of segments starting with the horizontal section unfolding in the horizontal center.

TreyFolds of 2 – $2.25

The next slide unfolds from the left side in 3 segments. This segment then unfolds right two times to complete the next slide.

Unfold 2 Bundle For Producer v4.5+

9 Different Effects

  $15.30 USD

PayPal: Add PSP_TB_Unfold2 to cart

Flower Left – $2.25

The next slide unfolds from the right side along the horizontal center. As it proceeds left, the section left behind then unfolds toward the top and bottom to complete that section of the slide.

Flower Right – $2.25

The next slide unfolds from the left side along the horizontal center. As it proceeds right, the section left behind then unfolds toward the top and bottom to complete that section of the slide.

Hinges UpRight a – $1.80

The next slide unfolds from the lower left to the right in 3 staggered rows along the left side. As the segment unfolds it meets the next segment to the right that has just started unfolding.

Hinges UpRight b – $1.80

The next slide unfolds from the lower left to the right in 3 staggered rows along the left side.

Hinges UpRight c – $2.25

The next slide unfolds from the lower left to the right in 3 staggered rows along the left side. As it unfolds, it drags the section it will leave behind.

Hinges Corners a – $1.80

The next slide unfolds in segments from the upper right and lower left, in 3 staggered rows across the screen.

Hinges Corners b – $1.80

The next slide unfolds in segments from the upper left and lower right, in 3 staggered rows across the screen.

Hinges DownLeft a – $1.80

The next slide unfolds from the upper right to the left in 3 staggered rows.

Hinges DownLeft b – $2.25

The next slide unfolds from the upper right to the left in 3 staggered rows. As it unfolds, it drags the section it will leave behind.

Unfold 3 Bundle For Producer v5+

14 Different Effects

  $20.55 USD

PayPal: Add PSP_TB_Unfold3 to cart

Unfold Flat Bundle For Producer v5+

8 Different Effects

  $11.90 USD

PayPal: Add PSP_TB_UnfoldFlat to cart

Whirly Bundle For Producer v4.5+

6 Different Effects

  $10.20 USD

PayPal: Add PSP_TB_Whirly to cart

These transitions typically swing the current slide to one screen side. The slide then breaks into segments that continue the swing until it is completely off-screen, revealing the next slide in the process. There are a variety of segment breakups and movements.

Unfold 3a – $10.55  (7 Transitions)

Unfold 3b – $11.15 (7 Transitions)

3 Fold a

Each section of a 3x3 grid unfolds separately to reveal the next slide.

3 Fold b

Each section of a 3x3 grid unfolds separately to reveal the next slide.

Accordian-Like a

The next slide unfolds from the screen left.

Accordian-Like b

The next slide unfolds from the screen right.

BottomSide Flip a

The next slide unfolds along the screen’s bottom third. When it’s across the screen, it unfolds up to complete the next slide.

BottomSide Flip b

The next slide unfolds along the screen’s bottom third while pushing the current slide’s in that strip to the right. When it’s across the screen, it unfolds up to complete the next slide.

Long Fold a

The next slide unfolds horizontally from the top and bottom

Long Fold b

The next slide unfolds horizontally from the top and bottom

Sides 2 Center

The current slide’s left and right sides fold toward the bottom and top, respectfullywhile the next slide’s same section unfolds. Then the vertical section unfolds toward screen center

Tops 2 Center

A section of the current slide’s top and bottom fold toward the side while the next slide’s same section unfolds. The horizontal section then unfolds toward screen center

Swap Fold a

Each section of a 3x3 grid unfolds separately to reveal the next slide.

Swap Fold b

Each section of a 3x3 grid unfolds separately to reveal the next slide.

TopSide Flip a

The next slide unfolds along the screen’s top third. When it’s across the screen, it unfolds down to complete the next slide.

TopSide Flip b

The next slide unfolds along the screen’s top third while pushing the current slide’s in that strip to the right. When it’s across the screen, it unfolds down to complete the next slide.

Unfold Flat Hz A

The next image unfolds from within the screen and from the vertical center to lie flat over the previous image.

Unfold Flat Hz B

The next image unfolds from out of the screen and from the vertical center to lie flat over the previous image.

Unfold Flat Hz C

The next image unfolds down from the left and right sides to lie flat over the previous image.

Unfold Flat Hz D

The next image unfolds from inside the screen and from the vertical center to lie flat over the previous image.

Unfold Flat Vt A

The next image unfolds from within the screen and from the vertical center to lie flat over the previous image.

Unfold Flat Vt B

The next image unfolds from out of the screen and from the vertical center to lie flat over the previous image.

Unfold Flat Vt C

The next image unfolds down from the upper and lower screen edges to lie flat over the previous image.

Unfold Flat Vt D

The next image unfolds from within the upper and lower screen edges to lie flat over the previous image.

Whirly Down – $2.00

A number of horizontal segments rotate around the screen center starting from the top and moving sequentially to the screen bottom. The current slide is rotated out of view while the next slide is rotated into view within each strip.

Whirly Down Duo – $2.00

A number of horizontal segments rotate around the screen center starting from the top and moving sequentially to the screen bottom. The current slide is rotated out of view followed by another whirly that rotates the next slide into view.

Whirly Down Strips Up – $2.00

A number of horizontal segments rotate around the screen center starting from the top and moving sequentially to the screen bottom. At the same time, horizontal segments float off screen from the bottom to the top.  The current slide is rotated out of view while the next slide is rotated into view within each strip.

Whirly Up Down – $2.00

A number of horizontal segments rotate around the screen center starting from screen center and up and down simultaneously.The current slide is rotated out of view and the next slide is rotated into view

Whirly Up Duo – $2.00

A number of horizontal segments rotate around the screen center starting from the bottom and moving sequentially to the screen top. The current slide is rotated out of view followed by another whirly that rotates the next slide into view

Whirly Up Strips Down – $2.00

A number of horizontal segments rotate around the screen center starting from the bottom and moving sequentially to the screen top. At the same time, horizontal segments float off screen from the top to the bottom The current slide is rotated out of view while the next slide is rotated into view within each strip.

PayPal: Add PSP_T_4FoldFlip to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_CenterFoldOut to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_CenterUnfold to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_CompetingFolds to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_OpenEnds to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_SidesFoldIn to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_TreyThreeSquares to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_TreyFoldsof2 to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_FlowerLeft to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_FlowerRight to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_HingesUpRighta to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_HingesUpRightb to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_HingesUpRightc to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_HingesCornersa to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_HingesCornersb to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_HingesDownLefta to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_HingesDownLeftb to cart PayPal: Add PSP_TB_Unfold3a to cart PayPal: Add PSP_TB_Unfold3b to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_WhirlyDown to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_WhirlyDownDuo to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_WhirlyDownStripsUp to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_WhirlyUpDown to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_WhirlyUpDuo to cart PayPal: Add PSP_T_WhirlyUpStripsDown to cart

UnCurl Fades Bundle For Producer v4.5+

6 Different Effects

  $8.25 USD

UnCurl Fades_From $4.45

UnCurl Fades_fromAlternate, UnCurl Fades_fromLeft, UnCurl Fades_fromRight


Curls Current Slide out to the left, right, or alternating left and right. Current slide goes from opaque to transparent.

UnCurl Fades_To $4.45

UnCurl Fades_toAlternate, UnCurl Fades_toLeft, UnCurl Fades_toRight

Curls Next Slide in from left, right, or alternating left and right. Next slide goes from transparent to opaque.

PayPal: Add PSP_TB_UnCurlFades to cart PayPal: Add PSP_TB_UnCurlFadesFrom to cart PayPal: Add PSP_TB_UnCurlFadesTo to cart